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People cannot be forced to do family planning, Central government gives written reply in Supreme Court

1 min read

The Central Government has clearly stated in the Supreme Court that it is against any coercion to force the countrymen for family planning and to decide the number of children. Doing so will create demographic distortions.

In an affidavit filed in response to the petition filed in this case, the Union Health Ministry said that the family welfare program in the country is done voluntarily, under which the married couple has the freedom of their family planning and how they want to raise their family Yes, any system can be adopted for this. 

Under the family welfare program, a married couple can do family planning according to their choice and without any compulsion. BJP leader and lawyer Ashwani Kumar Upadhyay has filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the order of the Delhi High Court. The High Court rejected some other demands, including the ideal of two children, to control the country’s growing population. The ministry said that public health is a state subject and state governments should lead the process of health sector reforms so that common people can be protected from health hazards.